Health Topics

Health word map

Verbal Screening:  Enacted in March 2016, H. 4056, An Act relative to substance use, treatment, education and prevention, commonly called the "STEP Act", aims to reduce risk of harm from substance use in adolescents by conducting verbal screenings and providing education around the risks related to substance use.  For more information on SBIRT, click here.

Information on Substance Use Disorder

Family Check Up:  Positive Parenting Prevents Drug Abuse

Information for Parents:  Substance Abuse

Substance Use Clinics in Massachusetts

E-Cigarettes:  "A report on emerging public health threat affecting our country.  E-cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults:  A Report of the Surgeon General is the 33rd Surgeon General's report in 53 years to address the impact of tobacco on health.  It is the first to focus on E-cigarettes."  - DPH

Headaches:  Interesting article on managing headaches in the school setting:  "Managing Headaches and School".

"Headache" doctors created this website to help teens and their families gain better control of headaches, get appropriate medical care and limit the disability caused by headaches:

Influenza:  CDC Weekly Report

Head Lice:  Protocol

Mindfulness in School

Free Clinics